About Us
It’s hard to find a lawyer that is the “right fit” for your business. Will they understand your objectives and the context of the deal itself but also fit your budget? Do they have the right skill set to protect your legal interests and also think strategically? At Salis Law, our lawyers all have “big firm” experience but a number of them have also spent significant portions of their careers outside of the practice of law. They understand your needs because they have lived it themselves. Our lawyers bring a diverse set of specialties to the firm, all centered around full service transactional representation because your business demands it. So who are you going to hire when a lot of money is on the line and maybe even the future of your business: someone who has only worked in that “ivory tower” or someone that has walked a mile in your shoes?
Salis Law, is a full service business law firm. Founded in 2010, our lawyers bring a mix of legal proficiency, business experience and creative thinking, delivering to our clients a more nuanced representation to help them solve big issues or structure even the most complex transactions. Our mission is to become a trusted business adviser to our clients, not just to get the deal done but to further the client’s long term objectives.